3D Printed Smart Watch

The case I designed for a smartwatch built using the excellent Microsoft .Net Micro Framework and an ST Cortex M4 micro controller chip and a sharp memory display.

All electronics and software design was done by the very talented @Justin from http://ingenuitymicro.com/


  1. The watch is designed to use a 40mm x 1mm glass and a 18mm watch strap. Both are readily available on e-commerce sites. We have found that a UV Glue (as used for attaching smartphone screens to their digitisers works well to attach the glass again.)
  2. 0.1mm layer height with 0.4mm nozzle on my Wanhao i3 and it turned out really well using Simplify3D default support.
  3. On mine the holes for the pushers needed drilling with a 4.5mm drill bit and the holes for the strap spring bar needed drilling to 0.8mm (1mm seemed to work).

You can download files from here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:967026/zip



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